
The beginning

This is a blog for me to right my thoughts, accomplishments, progress, hardships, and trials of being a Mom. I find their are two worlds with parenting. There's parenting and then there's parenting with special needs. I am a Mom and I have two amazing boys and one yes may be special needs, but why does it have to feel like its a separate world. I am finding that what mom's do with "normal" kids I am just doing the same. Every kid has certain needs and every kids needs are different so why do we have to add the special isn't it just different? I might never know the answer to that question but maybe writing on here will help me understand more! You know as a mom I feel the hardest part is that first nine months! Yes those seem to be the hardest for me. Yes my kid is quiet, minding me, and is easy for the most part to carry around with me(till like the last month). Those mood swings and hormones though I am always so happy to get my body back. So imagine, go